static void PO_CancelReminder(Args _args) { PurchLine _PurchLine; Qty _qty; PurchId _PurchId; Dialog dialog; Filename filenameWarehouse,filenameItem; DialogField dialogFilename; container conFilter = [“Comma Seperated Value .txt “, “*.csv”]; FilenameOpen filename; Container record; #File IO iO; boolean first = true; dialog = new dialog(); dialog.caption(“Select…
Query query;QueryBuildDataSource qbds;QueryBuildRange qbr;QueryRun queryrun;date fromDate = systemDateGet();date toDate = (systemDateGet() + 25);query = new Query();qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(MyTable));qbds.addGroupByField(fieldNum(MyTable, DateField));qbds.addGroupByField(fieldNum(MyTable, CurrencyNameField));qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, DateField));qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, CurrencyNameField));qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, EURAmountField), SelectionField::Sum);qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, USDAmountField),…
Public display Description Department(){ Name dimensionAttributeName; RecId DepartmentAttribute; DefaultDimensionView dimensionView; DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute; DimensionAttribute dimAttribute; dimensionAttributeName = “Department”; DepartmentAttribute = DimensionAttribute::findByName(‘Department’).RecId; select firstOnly dimensionView where dimensionView.DefaultDimension…
For those who doesn’t know yet, this class makes it possible to share existing temporary data between an AX object and the SSRS. Your report…
to display any menu Dynamics 365, you need to create a menu item as the following create a project and add a new item, select…
Sometimes, the developer needs to use the previous development in other projects, so To transfer elements to a different installation, you can use a project…